Wednesday 6 May 2009

Ten Years Of Community Success

Last February the Brackenbury Residents Association celebrated ten years of working for the local community. Many residents have been involved during this time - always seeking to improve the local area.

We see our role as raising issues that are of concern to our fellow residents. We work with our local councillors, the safer neighbourhood police teams and others to try to get things done. Over the years we have championed issues that are as diverse as tree planting; graffiti removal; licensing and planning decisions. We are in regular contact with the Council and work along side our fellow residents association and amenity groups. We have an annual social and have arranged other events such as talks on the history of the area and visits to local places of interest.

Brackenbury is a wonderful place to live. If you want to know more about what we do and how to get involved or if you simply have an issue you want to raise with us then please contact us by clicking here.

Meanwhile, please see the pictures of our tenth anniversary party.